Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"These Boots Are Made for Walkin' " (Nancy Sinatra)

Boots with long skinny heels are NOT made for walkin'. They're made for looking catty, rupturing Achilles tendons, and possibly impaling ex-boyfriends.

0:11 - There's too many of them! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

0:17 - The Bootipede continues on.

0:46 - "BEACH PARTY! OMG!" "Let's scamper!"

0:52 - This isn't actually a dance move. It's the "self-chiropractor," best for straightening out the back after attempting to walk around in skinny-heeled boots.

0:59 - Because pants are overrated.

1:26 - For boots made for walkin', the arms really are doing most of the work here.

1:38 - These boots are so painful that the dancers had to engage in spontaneous yoga classes.

1:39 - However, Nancy didn't get the memo. She's teaching Zumba A-Go-Go.

2:07 - You ain't had time to learn Upward-Facing Dog.

2:12 - Yeah, you'll need to stretch all you can, ladies.

2:20 - NO! It's the Hobbits from Leonard Nimoy's video!

2:35 - "I said, 'Boots, start walkin'. Not 'hoppin!'"

2:41 - The phalanx, ancient unstoppable battle formation, had nothing on this.